7 Reasons Workplace DEI Instructor-led Courses Are Effective

Instructor-led courses can be an effective way to provide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training and development in the workplace. By using a skilled instructor, organizations can provide training that is engaging, interactive, and tailored to the specific needs of their workforce. Here are seven reasons why instructor-led courses are a valuable investment for promoting DEI in the workplace:

Personalized Learning

Instructors can tailor the training to meet the specific needs and learning styles of their participants, providing personalized learning. A Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study found that personalized training programs improved employee attitudes and behaviours more effectively than standardized programs. This approach can help ensure that employees understand the relevance of the training to their work, and are motivated to apply what they have learned.

Interactive Learning

Instructors can use interactive techniques like role-playing and case studies to help participants apply new knowledge and skills in a practical setting. A study by the American Psychological Association found that interactive learning was more effective than passive learning in improving participant knowledge retention. Interactive learning also provides opportunities for employees to practice new skills in a safe environment, where they can receive constructive feedback.

Addressing Resistance and Skepticism

Instructors can address resistance and skepticism to DEI training respectfully and productively. According to a study by the University of Washington, instructors who took a proactive approach to address resistance increased participant engagement and reduced defensiveness. By creating a safe space for employees to ask questions and voice their concerns, instructors can help build trust and foster a more inclusive learning environment.

Providing a Safe Space

Instructors can create a safe space for participants to explore sensitive issues related to DEI. An SHRM study found that a supportive learning environment was critical to the success of DEI training programs. By providing a supportive learning environment, instructors can help employees feel more comfortable sharing their experiences and perspectives, and create an environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

Demonstrating Leadership Commitment

Leaders can demonstrate their commitment to DEI by actively participating in the training and modelling desired behaviours. A study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that leadership support was a key factor in the success of DEI training programs. By participating in the training, leaders can show that they value DEI, and are willing to invest time and resources into building a more inclusive workplace culture.

Combining with Other Learning Methods

Instructors can complement other learning methods, such as e-learning or self-directed study, to create a comprehensive and effective DEI training program. An Association for Talent Development study found that blended learning programs, which combine instructor-led and self-directed learning, were more effective than single-mode programs. By combining different learning methods, instructors can provide a more well-rounded learning experience that meets the needs of different learners.

Facilitated Discussion and Feedback

An experienced instructor can facilitate open and honest discussions, encourage participant feedback, and provide real-time feedback to help participants understand complex concepts. According to a National Bureau of Economic Research study, the facilitated discussion was one of the most effective training methods for reducing racial bias. This approach can help employees feel more comfortable discussing sensitive topics related to DEI, and create an inclusive learning environment where everyone can share their perspectives.

In conclusion, instructor-led courses can effectively provide DEI training and development in the workplace. By facilitating open and honest discussions, tailoring the training to meet specific needs and learning styles, using interactive techniques, addressing resistance and skepticism, creating a safe space, demonstrating leadership commitment, and combining with other learning methods, instructors can help promote DEI in the workplace and build a more inclusive culture.

Ready to level up your workplace’s diversity, equity, and inclusion training? Explore our instructor-led DEI training programs. Our tailored and interactive approach, facilitated discussions, and proven strategies will help you create a more inclusive workplace. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to drive positive change.


National Bureau of Economic Research. (2016). The impact of training police officers on reducing racial bias.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2015). The importance of personalized learning in talent development.

American Psychological Association. (2015). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2015/08/active-learning

University of Washington. (2016). Strategies for addressing resistance in diversity training.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2018). What makes diversity and inclusion training successful?

Institute for Corporate Productivity. (2017). High-Impact diversity and inclusion: Maturity model and top findings.

Association for Talent Development. (2015). Creating a blended learning strategy: What works?

This blog was originally published by Diversio EDU (formerly CCDI Consulting) in March 2023.

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