Inclusive Meeting Practices: Strategies for Effective Communication

Effective communication is key to the success of any team or organization. One way to improve communication is to use inclusive meeting practices that ensure everyone has a chance to participate and feel valued. In this article, we will explore how to make meetings more inclusive and productive, and we’ll introduce the latest strategies to elevate your meetings even further.

1. Create an Inclusive Meeting Environment

The first step to creating an inclusive meeting environment is to ensure that all attendees have an opportunity to speak. This involves creating a safe and respectful atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. To achieve this, it is helpful to provide ample time for discussion, actively solicit input from all attendees, and establish norms that emphasize respect, inclusivity, and openness.

Implement a Rotating Facilitator Role: Assigning different team members to facilitate meetings can democratize participation and empower individuals who might not typically take on leadership roles. This rotation helps to distribute responsibility and ensures that diverse perspectives guide the conversation.

Use the “Round-Robin” Technique: Encourage balanced participation by adopting the round-robin method, where each participant has the opportunity to speak in turn. This technique can prevent dominant voices from monopolizing the conversation and ensures that quieter team members have a chance to contribute.

Adopt “Progressive Stacking”: Progressive stacking prioritizes contributions from historically marginalized or underrepresented voices. By allowing these individuals to speak first, meetings can become more inclusive and reflective of diverse experiences and insights.

2. Provide Agendas and Materials in Advance

Another important aspect of inclusive meetings is providing agendas and materials in advance. This allows attendees to prepare for the meeting, stay on track, and better understand the purpose and goals of the discussion. It is also helpful to send a follow-up email after the meeting to summarize key points and action items.

Leverage AI-Driven Tools for Accessibility: Explore AI-driven tools that can enhance accessibility during meetings, such as real-time translation services, advanced speech-to-text applications, and sentiment analysis tools that help track the inclusivity of the conversation.

3. Ensure Meeting Accessibility

Meeting accessibility is crucial for inclusivity. This involves ensuring that the meeting location is physically accessible for all attendees, regardless of their mobility needs, and providing materials in alternative formats for individuals with visual or hearing impairments. It is also important to consider time zones when scheduling meetings to ensure that the meeting time works for everyone.

Integrate Hybrid Meeting Solutions: As remote and hybrid work models continue to grow, ensure that your meetings are designed to include both in-person and virtual attendees equally. This involves using technology that supports seamless participation for all, regardless of location.

4. Be Aware of Cultural Differences

To create a truly inclusive meeting environment, it is essential to be aware of and sensitive to cultural differences. This involves avoiding assumptions or stereotypes about individuals based on their background and being respectful of different communication styles and norms.

Incorporate Mindful Moments: Begin meetings with a brief mindful moment or check-in to create a calm and focused environment. This practice can help reduce stress, encourage presence, and set a positive tone for the discussion.

5. Use Technology to Promote Inclusivity

Technology tools and services can also be used to promote inclusivity during meetings. For example, video conferencing tools can be used to allow remote participants to join the discussion, and captioning and translation services can ensure that all attendees can understand and participate in the conversation.

Utilize Anonymous Feedback Tools: Incorporate tools like anonymous polling or Q&A platforms during meetings to gather honest feedback and ideas from participants who may feel hesitant to speak up in a group setting. This approach can surface important insights that might otherwise be overlooked.

6. Diverse Representation in Agenda Setting

Involve a diverse group of team members in creating meeting agendas. This ensures that a wide range of topics and concerns are addressed, reflecting the varied interests and needs of the team.

7. Continuous DEI Education

Regularly include brief DEI training segments or discussions in meetings to keep awareness high and to reinforce the importance of inclusive practices. This could involve sharing recent DEI research, discussing case studies, or highlighting success stories within the team.

8. Create Post-Meeting Reflection Opportunities

Encourage participants to reflect on the inclusivity of each meeting by providing a short post-meeting survey or feedback form. Ask questions about how included they felt, whether their voice was heard, and if there are ways to improve future meetings.


By implementing these inclusive meeting practices and integrating the latest strategies, teams can improve communication, collaboration, and decision-making. This benefits the organization and creates a more positive and productive work environment for all team members. Remember, the journey towards inclusivity is ongoing, and continuous improvement is key. Regularly reassess and adapt your meeting practices to ensure they remain effective and inclusive.

This blog was originally published by Diversio EDU (formerly CCDI Consulting) in June 2023.

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Ekua Quansah
Head of EDI, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

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