Modern Niagara: Dismantling Harassment and Discrimination in Construction


Racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of harassment are commonplace in construction. In response to the sector-wide hate crimes that took place 2020, CEO Brad McAninch is determined to set a new industry standard.


Recognizing the institutional problem, Modern Niagara deployed Diversio’s survey to isolate the unconscious biases and discrimination taking place in its own workplace.

“We are going to take a leadership role in dismantling racism in our industry. We have the determination and influence to make a meaningful impact it is our responsibility to take action and instill change” – CEO, Brad McAninch

Taking Swift Action for Immediate Impact

Equipped with Diversio recommendations Modern Niagara is making sweeping changes:

  1. Each executive (15 total) assumed accountability over a subset of D&I goals
  2. Rolling out 16 programs and policies across the organization to address the largest pain points
  3. Partnering with Diversio to deliver training to 300+ foremen and reset the culture across the entire workforce

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