Neurodiversity in the Workplace

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity refers to the natural range of human neurological variation, which includes conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. These differences can bring unique perspectives and strengths to the workplace, but they can also present challenges for individuals who may struggle with traditional work structures and communication styles. To support the inclusion and success of neurodiverse individuals in the workplace, accommodations can be implemented.

What are accommodations and why are they important?

Accommodations are changes or adjustments made to an environment (in this case a work environment) to enable a person with a disability to perform the essential functions of their job, and importantly, to enable them to thrive. Without accommodations, people with disabilities can be at a significant disadvantage compared to people that do not face the same challenges as a result of the working environment. This means that accommodations are hugely important, they work to level the playing field and ensure that all employees can be comfortable at work.

For neurodiverse individuals, accommodations may include changes to the physical workspace, flexible work arrangements, or modified communication methods.

How can organisations implement accommodations?

Firstly, it’s important to highlight that neurodiverse individuals have their own individual challenges and needs. Inclusive organisations will be open to listening to individuals and working to support them, without pushing out the same ‘solutions’ for everyone. Encouraging people to share their own circumstances and welcoming an open discussion is a great way to ensure that policies and accommodations are truly inclusive and don’t end up further excluding certain employees.

One key accommodation for neurodiverse individuals is a sensory-friendly workspace. Neurodiverse people can be hypersensitive to certain stimuli such as lights, noises, and smells. Employers can make adjustments to minimise these triggers, such as offering different types of environment within the office. Examples could be to offer a quiet working space with low lighting and no food or drink to avoid unforeseen smells. If the organization is 100% remote, it would be advised to support employees to make their own environment as comfortable as possible. This would vary for different individuals, but offering to cover the expense of certain necessities would be good practice.

Another important accommodation is the provision of clear communication that aligns with the needs of the individual. Neurodiverse individuals may struggle with nonverbal cures or indirect language. To support these individuals, employers should ensure to be clear and concise and provide written step by step briefs with complementary visuals when possible. Additionally, some individuals may benefit from having a designated point of contact, or mentor, within the company who can help them navigate communication challenges and offer support.

Flexible work arrangements can also be an effective accommodation for neurodiverse individuals, as well as a great way of increasing inclusivity for all employees with a wide range of personal circumstances and commitments. Individuals with ADHD may find it easier to focus on tasks during non-traditional work hours, or those with anxiety may benefit from remote work options. Employers can work with their employees to identify the best schedule to enable their success.

Further, providing training and education on neurodiversity can help create a more inclusive and supportive workplace. Managers and co-workers can benefit from learning about different neurodiverse conditions, how to communicate effectively, and how to support individuals in their role. By creating a culture of inclusivity and understanding, employers can empower their neurodiverse employees to reach their full potential and contribute their perspectives and strengths to the company.


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