Employment Equity Series Article 3: Beyond Compliance: Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Business Success

In today’s fast-paced business world, embracing diversity and inclusion isn’t just about meeting requirements—it’s about unlocking your company’s full potential. Beyond the confines of legislative requirements, organizations are harnessing the full potential of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation, foster adaptability, and secure a prominent place in the market. In the final installment of the Employment Equity Series, we explore practical strategies for how organizations can unlock the direct benefits of diversity and inclusion, offering best practices to achieve a distinct edge in today’s dynamic and globalized marketplace. 

Need to catch up before reading on? Read Part 1: Pioneering Employment Equity in Canada and Part 2: Breaking Down Barriers – Why Employment Equity Still Matters 

The journey towards integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into the core fabric of an organization often begins with understanding and implementing the basics of the Employment Equity Act. This framework serves as a critical foundation, especially for organizations at the beginning of their DEI journey. Regular assessments of workforce composition, employee sentiment, and the flow of employees through the organization—from recruitment and development to promotions and eventual departure—offer invaluable insights. By examining these stages of the employment lifecycle through dimensions of diversity (for example, how women are recruited, developed & and promoted, and when and how they leave), companies can identify which employment systems may require revision. This process enables the identification and subsequent mitigation or elimination of policy, process, and barriers to inclusion at the “employment systems” level. 

However, surmounting attitudinal barriers presents a more formidable challenge. These are deeply ingrained beliefs about other cultures, ethnicities, and religions that individuals within an organization may not have critically examined. To move beyond compliance and truly embrace inclusion, organizations must offer transformational learning experiences to their employees, reinforcing these lessons regularly. This aspect of the journey towards inclusion is uniquely complex because it requires a personalized approach. Individuals start from different points of understanding and progress along distinct paths, necessitating a commitment to self-reflection and cultural change that not everyone may be ready to undertake. For those just beginning to explore these concepts, as well as those further ahead who may feel isolated by their advanced understanding, individual coaching might be more effective than mandatory group training. Identifying where employees are on their path is a challenge. 

To address this, the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) offers a promising framework. Employed by Diversio for its staff, the IDI assesses intercultural competence, which is the ability to shift cultural perspectives and adapt behaviour to cultural differences and commonalities. One might wonder why a predominantly Canadian staff would need to shift cultural perspectives. The answer lies in Canada’s rich history of growth through immigration, creating a workplace where cultural perspectives have roots spanning the globe. Even second and third-generation Canadians maintain and celebrate their cultural heritage, contributing to and sharing within the rich tapestry that is the Canadian cultural mosaic. This diversity within the workplace is not just a matter of national or ethnic identity; it’s a reservoir of perspectives that, when leveraged appropriately, can spur innovation, foster adaptability, and secure a prominent market position. 

Recognizing that not all organizations can provide extensive IDI assessments to every employee, focusing on leadership teams, boards of directors, and managerial staff becomes crucial. By equipping these key influencers with personalized development opportunities, organizations can make significant leaps towards creating a truly inclusive workplace. 

However, personal development is just one aspect of a broader DEI strategy. For organizations noticing limited returns from annual Unconscious Bias training, the Deloitte article titled “A holistic DEI learning strategy for an inclusive workplace (deloitte.com)” sheds light on the significance of moving beyond unconscious bias training toward a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) learning strategy. It highlights that relying solely on unconscious bias training may not yield the desired results. Instead, the article proposes three key shifts: 

  1. From Unconscious Bias Training to a Comprehensive DEI Learning Strategy: Acknowledging that DEI efforts should encompass more than just bias training. 
  2. From DEI Awareness to Fit-for-Purpose DEI Fluency: Emphasizing the need for a deep understanding of DEI concepts, tailored to the organization’s specific needs. 
  3. From Individual Compliance to Personal Action and Systemic Change: Encouraging organizations to move beyond compliance-focused approaches to fostering real change. 

The article underscores the importance of developing a holistic DEI learning strategy tailored to an organization’s unique context and culture. This approach aims to create lasting and meaningful DEI improvements. 

The capstone of these efforts is effective communication. Transparent, consistent, and inclusive communication not only ensures that all members of the organization are informed and engaged with the DEI efforts but also fosters an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon. This approach encourages a sense of ownership and participation among employees, making DEI a shared responsibility rather than a top-down directive. 

Here are practical examples of what to communicate and how to do it to foster an inclusive culture: 

DEI Milestones and Success Stories

  • What to Communicate: Share achievements, milestones, and success stories related to DEI initiatives within your organization. Highlight progress towards DEI goals, such as increased representation in leadership roles, successful diversity hiring initiatives, or impactful community engagement projects. 
  • How to Communicate: Use internal newsletters, company-wide meetings, and social media platforms to share these stories. Incorporate visuals, quotes from employees, and data to ensure the communications are engaging and evidence based.

DEI Training and Learning Opportunities

  • What to Communicate: Inform employees about upcoming DEI training sessions, workshops, and learning resources available to them. This can include unconscious bias training, cultural competency workshops, or guest speakers on DEI topics. 
  • How to Communicate: Send personalized email invitations, post on internal message boards, and use the company’s learning management system (LMS) to promote these opportunities. Consider creating a teaser video or webinar to generate interest. 

Updates on DEI Policies and Initiatives

  • What to Communicate: Provide updates on new or revised DEI policies, initiatives, and programs being introduced in the organization. Explain the rationale behind these changes and how they contribute to the company’s DEI goals. 
  • How to Communicate: Organize town hall meetings, both virtual and in-person, to discuss these updates. Use Q&A sessions to address concerns and gather feedback. Follow up with detailed information on the intranet or through a dedicated DEI section in the company newsletter. 

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) Activities and Events

  • What to Communicate: Highlight the activities, events, and meetings organized by ERGs within your organization. Promote opportunities for employees to join or support these groups. 
  • How to Communicate: Feature ERG events in the company calendar, send out invites via email, and encourage ERG leaders to share their experiences and upcoming events during company-wide meetings. Create a spotlight section in your internal communications platforms for ERGs to share news and updates. 

Feedback Mechanisms and Action Taken

  • What to Communicate: Share how employee feedback on DEI issues is being addressed and what actions are being taken to improve inclusivity. This transparency demonstrates a commitment to listening and making tangible changes based on employee input. 
  • How to Communicate: Publish a regular “DEI Feedback and Actions” update via email or on the company intranet. Include anonymized examples of feedback received and the steps taken in response. Encourage ongoing dialogue by inviting further comments and suggestions through surveys or a dedicated feedback channel. 

This article, rich in varied approaches, underscores the breadth and complexity inherent in the implementation and upkeep of a robust DEI program. The eclectic mix of strategies presented reflects the multifaceted nature of DEI and the necessity of its comprehensive integration within organizational culture. By integrating these strategies organizations can move beyond mere compliance. The goal is to weave DEI into every aspect of the organizational culture, transforming it into a living, breathing part of everyday operations. This comprehensive approach not only meets the immediate needs of a diverse workforce but also positions organizations for long-term success in a globalized marketplace. Through this series of strategic actions, DEI becomes more than a program; it becomes a cornerstone of business success.

This blog by Zakeana Reid was previously published by Diversio EDU (formerly CCDI Consulting) in Feb 2024.

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"We needed to slice and dice the data in multiple ways and visualize the data in clear and accessible ways and you know Diversio’s survey and platform ticked all the boxes."
Ekua Quansah
Head of EDI, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

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