A Guide for Mapping Your Employee Experience

If you consider the process of designing the workplace that would make every employee feel valued, understood, and engaged, the concept of an employee experience journey map appears to be a useful framework. This map is not just a graphic; it is a conceptual tool that outlines the process of an employee’s engagement with the organization. This journey map is useful in defining the moments of truth and the areas of concern from the time of recruitment to the time the employees leave the organization. 

Key takeaways

  • An employee experience journey map outlines the entire engagement process from recruitment to exit, highlighting moments of truth and areas of concern.
  • Key steps to create the map include gathering data, identifying touchpoints, mapping the current journey, designing the ideal journey, implementing changes, and continuously monitoring and refining.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles have to be part of the journey map, ensuring all employees feel valued and supported, preventing the system from collapsing due to unmet needs and unresolved issues.
  • DEI initiatives foster creativity, engagement, and effectiveness, making them essential for a robust and inclusive employee experience journey.

An employee experience journey map is not just a warm fuzzy activity. It provides measurable outcomes, including improved staff satisfaction, lower turnover, and a more robust organizational culture. Another positive result is the increase in productivity. An EX journey map enables one to understand the areas of inefficiency and then work on how to improve the use of technology, assets, workflow, and information sharing. Organizations that focus on enhancing the employee experience can see up to 1.8 times higher productivity compared to those that do not prioritize this aspect. Through identifying such experiences, the companies are in a position to prevent or solve problems and improve the general working conditions, thus improving performance and cohesiveness of the team. 

Related: Employee Experience vs. Employee Engagement: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the employee journey

The first step is to define what the employee journey is. This journey encompasses every stage of an employee’s time with your organization, divided into key stages: recruitment, selection, training, promotion, satisfaction, and turnover. 

Recruitment is the first step, where the first contact is made. This is why it is important that this process is aligned with the values and culture of the company. The recruitment process is the first interaction that a candidate has with the organization and should be seamless, clear, and interesting. 

Onboarding comes next, through which new employees are introduced to their positions and the organization. Many new hires often go through onboarding that is mostly administrative and a short introduction, which makes them feel lost. Effective onboarding programs can significantly impact how quickly and effectively an employee becomes productive and feels part of the team.

Development is the stage where learning and growth are constant and are facilitated by the organization. An employee journey map should take into account the professional and personal career aspirations of the team members so that the organizations can provide the best training and development solutions. Given that 76% of professionals believe that training influences their decision to stay with a company, targeted development can improve retention and employee satisfaction. Promotion is another factor that can help to maintain the employees’ motivation and commitment to the company. 

Retention is the process of maintaining the interest and commitment of the employees in the organization. This means that there is a need to constantly work towards the creation of a healthy workplace and the solving of any problems that may occur.

Exit is the last phase of the relationship but it is not the termination of the relationship. The way you deal with exits can affect your company’s image and the likelihood of ex-employees recommending others or coming back. 

Steps to create an employee experience journey map

There are several key steps HR leaders can follow when developing an employee experience journey map. 

1. Gathering data and insights

Carry out questionnaires and interviews to obtain feedback from the employees. Use performance data to diagnose trends and problems. The use of personas makes it easier to understand various experiences of the employees in the company. Diversio’s surveys are flexible enough to allow for the inclusion of specific organizational cultures, which is important for collecting relevant data. 

2. Identifying key touchpoints 

Identify the moments of truth that are most important to employees and try to assess the effect that each of them has on the employee’s experience. To get more information about what went well and what could be done better, ask specific questions about their experiences at these critical moments. Such feedback analysis enables you to determine the impact of each touchpoint on the employees’ satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

One of the issues is the absence of the data on the engagement level in real time that may hinder the timely reaction to the arising problems. Utilize sophisticated instruments and applications that offer recommendations and up-to-date information. For instance, tools like Diversio offer robust analytics that help you monitor engagement levels and sentiment in real time, enabling you to make swift adjustments. This proactive approach ensures that you can address problems as they arise, rather than waiting for periodic reviews, thus maintaining a positive and responsive employee experience.

3. Mapping the current journey 

Map out the current state of the employee journey. Determine the problems and opportunities for change. In this case, Diversio’s AI-powered tools can be used to identify exact areas that require attention, which makes this process more efficient. 

4. Designing the ideal journey 

This step involves imagining what the ideal state of the employee experience is. Take into account the opinions of the employees and ensure that the solutions meet the company’s standards. Employ research to inform the DEI approaches to make them meaningful and applicable. 

5. Considerations during implementation 

When you are ready to make changes based on your journey map of the employee experience, the next step is to develop clear and comprehensive implementation plans that define tasks and roles. This way, leadership and HR can provide the necessary backing and means for the execution of these plans. Be very careful when considering how these new processes will fit into your current processes. If compatibility issues are evaluated before the implementation and possible problems are anticipated in advance, the process will be less likely to be disrupted. This approach is useful in ensuring that there is operational efficiency while at the same time improving the general experience of the employees.

6. Monitoring and refining the journey map

Collect feedback and assess the effectiveness of the intervention on a regular basis. Revise the journey map according to the new information and changes in the workplace. The process of monitoring and improving the journey map of the employee experience needs to be based on a structured approach to gathering and analyzing feedback. Encourage the use of feedback tools such as questionnaires, group discussions, and interviews to capture various views from the employees. This data should be used to track the level of achievement against set standards and KPIs.

Revise the journey map with the help of the information obtained from this feedback. For example, if the employees are complaining about the onboarding process, then go back to those areas that have been complained about and redesign them to meet the needs of the employees. Integrate applications that can give real-time engagement analytics to know the current status of employees’ engagement.

Frequent pulse checks, conducted quarterly or even monthly, are essential for making timely adjustments. These checks help identify emerging issues before they become significant problems.

Related: Crafting a Winning Employee Experience Strategy for Your Company

EX journey mapping with DEI principles in mind

Designing an employee experience journey map is not just about defining stages and touchpoints; it is about how DEI can be incorporated into the process. D&I is not an option when it comes to mapping the EX journey — it is the foundation of the entire process. Without D&I the system may function for some time but will collapse one day due to the unfulfilled needs and unresolved problems. DEI principles make sure that the journey map is inclusive of all the employees and the issues they face in their workplace, thus making the organization stronger and more supportive.

Some people think that DEI initiatives are just about ticking the boxes. In fact, DEI is a business imperative that fosters creativity, staff engagement, and organizational effectiveness. When DEI principles are incorporated into the employee experience journey map, it guarantees that all the employees are welcome and appreciated at every touchpoint. Reporting features of Diversio can be useful to maintain compliance with DEI regulations and create a culture that is inclusive and improves the quality of the employee experience.

The other myth is that DEI programs are generic. Indeed, DEI strategies require a specific approach that would be suitable for the particular organization and its culture. These are some of the needs that must be taken into account when designing an effective employee journey map to make the experience more meaningful. Diversio’s AI-powered Recommendation Engine™ ensures that the DEI solutions offered are relevant to your organization’s needs and will be impactful.

Related: How Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Can Drive Employee Engagement

The power of great employee experience journey mapping

The true value of an employee experience journey map is that it translates ideas into practical steps. A clear path ensures that leaders have the information they require to guide them in the right direction, thus promoting strategic actions that meet the needs of the employees as well as the organization.

At its heart, this journey map serves as a dynamic framework that evolves with your organization. It highlights the critical touchpoints that define an employee’s experience and provides actionable insights for continuous improvement. But without embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion into the journey map, the entire structure lacks the robustness needed to support a truly inclusive workplace. DEI is not an add-on; it’s the foundation that ensures all employees, regardless of their background, can thrive.

As you start this journey, remember that the goal is continuous improvement, making the workplace better for everyone. Begin today, and use the insights and tools available to create a meaningful and effective employee experience journey map.

Picture of Kate Stone
Kate Stone
Kate Stone leads marketing at Diversio with 10+ years of experience in marketing and visual communications – over 6 of which are in the technology industry. Kate is passionate about communicating inclusion’s impact on businesses, workplace culture, and individuals. Kate is a US citizen and enjoys advocating for the environment and endangered species, improving her strength and endurance, and practicing watercolor painting and mixed media arts.
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Ekua Quansah
Head of EDI, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

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