Live Session

Global training tag

Navigating Intersectionality

The Overlap of Race & Identity

Recognize and address the intersecting systems of oppression that impact individuals’ lived experiences and advocating for equity and justice for all.

Intermediate level training
Circular avatar with images of people smiling.
Image shows a young woman with braided hair, wearing a nose ring and earrings, smiling and looking into the distance. She appears content and optimistic. The background features a contrasting orange and beige color scheme. The woman is wrapped in a flag, adding a sense of pride and identity to the image.


Create a workplace culture for everyone to do their best work.

As organizations invest more time and money into DEI programs, leadership and intersectionality trainings, they will have


more innovative business outcomes


higher retention rates


better business outcomes


out perform peers financially

Orange abstract icon with triangles making a circle

By recognizing that individuals exist at the intersections of multiple identities, including race, gender, sexuality, ability, and more, we explore how privilege and marginalization manifest in unique ways for each individual. Participants of this live course will learn and understand how each of us occupies a distinct intersection of identities, leading to varying experiences of privilege and oppression.

Training outline & objectives

Understanding intersectionality

  • Grasp the concept of intersectionality and its relevance to personal identities, recognizing the interconnected nature of race with other identity factors.
  • Explore how intersecting identities can lead to compounded experiences of privilege and marginalization, fostering a deeper understanding of individual experiences.

Intersectionality in the workplace

  • Realize the impact of intersectional identities on workplace dynamics, including employment rates, income levels, and overall experiences at work.
  • Examine how systems of power influence the experiences of individuals with intersecting identities, highlighting disparities and inequities within organizational structures.

Applying intersectionality principles

  • Apply principles of intersectionality to promote inclusivity and equity in the workplace, identifying strategies to address systemic barriers and create environments that accommodate diverse identities.
  • Discuss steps to adopt an intersectional lens in organizational policies, practices, and decision-making processes, fostering a culture of awareness and responsiveness to intersecting identities.

Promoting dialogue & action

  • Break down the theory of intersectionality into actionable steps, encouraging participants to initiate conversations about identity and privilege in their workplace.
  • Explore ways to initiate meaningful dialogue and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing intersectional inequalities and promoting social justice within organizational contexts.

This training will help your leaders & managers

Define inclusive leadership

Engage direct reports with empathy

Influence upwards with inclusion

Drive equitable business decisions

An improved workplace culture starts with training.

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Creating a workplace culture where everyone does their best work starts with training.


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Intermediate Trainings


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"I've learned today that this is an ongoing process that will be continually evolving. I think [the instructor] is an amazing facilitator and I love how she always had valuable insights and examples to share from personal experiences. It was very interactive and she kept it "fresh" all the way. I loved it!"
Client Testimonial
November 2022

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