Challenges and Solutions: Navigating ERG Obstacles

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are invaluable assets in the pursuit of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility within organizations. These groups, typically formed around shared identities, interests, or experiences, provide a brave space for employees to connect, advocate for change, and promote inclusivity. However, like any initiative, ERGs face their fair share of challenges. In this blog, I’ll share some of the common challenges faced by ERGs and offer strategies to overcome these obstacles. 

Common Challenges Faced by ERGs and Their Leaders 

1. Recruitment and Participation 

One of the most persistent challenges that ERGs encounter is recruiting members and maintaining active participation. It can be difficult to engage employees who are already juggling their job responsibilities and other commitments. Typically, members of an ERG have other responsibilities, and must therefore juggle their typical job duties, along with ERG responsibilities, forcing them to have to manage burnout and prevent stretching themselves too thin1. 


  • Passionate Leaders: ERGs should actively seek out leaders who are passionate about their group’s mission and who can inspire and engage others. Having an executive sponsor for each ERG can help the group gain momentum and ensure that the group’s concerns are voiced to the executive team. 
  • Clear purpose and goals: When looking to recruit members to an ERG, you need to communicate the value to them. What are the short-term and long-term objectives? How will you measure the impact? How can members be involved? How will you handle feedback and conflicts? Because being a member of an ERG is an additional responsibility, be clear in expectations and benefits.  
  • Development: Invest in development programs to ensure a consistent flow of members. This could be through offering workshops, seminars, or training sessions related to the ERG’s focus area. These opportunities can help members develop new skills and knowledge and can renew motivation. To manage burnout from the emotionally taxing conversations that ERGs have, consider offering access to mental health resources or sessions on how to deal with hostility and resistance within the IDEA space.  
  • Engagement Activities: Plan regular, engaging activities to maintain members’ interest, help entice new members, and foster a sense of community. For instance, a mentorship program, can be very successful, where new members are paired with more seasoned members. Recognition programs can also increase participation in an ERG. When members feel that their contributions are being valued, they are more willing to continue contributing.

2. Sustainability 

ERGs often struggle with sustainability. They may lose momentum over time if not properly nurtured, and leadership turnover can be high, leading to inconsistent efforts and a lack of long-term impact. Sometimes, ERGs that have been around for several years can lose their purpose. Checking back in with one another, readjusting goals, and ensuring that there are realistic and obtainable objectives, can aid in ensuring that an ERG is sustainable2. Additionally, ERGs may face difficulties aligning their initiatives with the broader goals of the organization. This misalignment can result in a lack of support and resources from leadership. An ERG survives when it has a purpose and resources to accomplish this purpose. In order to gain resources to accomplish this purpose, an ERG has to communicate its value. What are the anticipated outcomes? How will the ERG contribute to the success of the organization overall? 


  • Documentation: Document best practices, processes, and lessons learned to make transitions more manageable. 
  • Succession Planning: Develop a succession plan to ensure a smooth transition of leadership and maintain the group’s momentum.  
  • Regular Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with organizational leadership to ensure alignment with company objectives. 
  • Value Demonstration: Communicate the value of ERGs on employee engagement, innovation, and retention. 
  • Collaborative Projects: Collaborate with other departments and initiatives within the organization to amplify the impact and relevance of ERGs.  

3. Inclusivity 

Ironically, some ERGs may inadvertently exclude others. For example, a women’s ERG may not engage male allies effectively, limiting the potential for broader impact and support. ERGs should consider widening their scope to apply an intersectional lens and welcome allies into their spaces. ERGs are an example of a brave space, not a safe space3. This means that they include not only members of a particular community but also allies and those who want to learn more. They are places where we are seeking to challenge the status quo and enact change.  


  • Diverse Leadership: Ensure ERG leadership is diverse and inclusive to signal that everyone is welcome. This can be through a visible signal, like having representation of different identities, but can also come across in a mission statement of the ERG. What are the values of the ERG?  
  • Cross-ERG Initiatives: If you happen to work in an organization with multiple ERGs, encourage collaboration between them to promote a more inclusive atmosphere and address intersectionality. This also helps address feeling of isolation commonly experienced by ERG leaders.

4. Impact Measurement 

Quantifying the impact of ERGs on the organization can be challenging. Without clear metrics, it’s difficult to demonstrate the value of these groups to leadership and stakeholders. 


  • Define Clear Objectives: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact and effectiveness of ERGs. Regularly evaluate and report on progress toward these metrics to help demonstrate the value of ERGs to the organization4. 
  • Feedback and Surveys: Collect feedback from ERG members and stakeholders to assess the group’s impact on the organization and the feelings of the group members. Burnout is common among ERG members, so assessing not only the impact of the ERG on the organization but also the psychological safety and feelings of ERG members is paramount to their long-term success. Use this feedback to make improvements and adapt to changing needs. 
  • Data-Driven Reporting: Utilize data and analytics to quantify the positive effects of ERGs on areas like employee engagement and retention. 

How Diversio Can Help 

Having a third-party consultant, like Diversio, can play a crucial role in helping ERGs overcome challenges. Here’s how we can provide guidance and support: 

1. Expert Consultation 

Diversio can offer strategic guidance on how ERGs can align with broader DEI strategies and organizational goals.

2. Training and Development

Leadership Training: Provide ERG leaders with leadership and management training to enhance their effectiveness. A great first step for leaders is to assess their current perspectives related to intercultural competence. The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is a helpful tool to begin this self-reflection journey, highlight individual and group needs, and begin strategizing next steps to work towards as a team.

Inclusivity Workshops: Offer workshops on inclusivity and allyship to ERG members. This can help build their skills, enhance effectiveness, and ensure a pipeline of future leaders.  

Best Practice Sharing: Share best practices and success stories from other organizations to inspire and guide ERGs. Facilitated Discussions from an IDEA consultant can be a great way to explore best practices and reflect on how you can apply those within your own workplace.

3. Metrics and Evaluation

Impact Assessment: Assist ERGs in developing robust metrics and evaluation methods to measure their impact.  

Focus Groups: Collect data from your ERG members to evaluate their efficacy: Advisory Services | Diversio.

While ERGs undoubtedly face challenges, they are powerful tools for advancing DEI within organizations. By recognizing these common obstacles and implementing strategic solutions, ERG leaders can overcome these hurdles and drive positive change. Additionally, DEI consulting companies, like Diversio play a pivotal role in providing the necessary guidance and support to ensure ERGs thrive, ultimately contributing to more inclusive and equitable workplaces. Embracing ERGs as a part of a comprehensive DEI strategy can help organizations unlock their full potential and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all employees.

This blog was originally published by Diversio EDU (formerly CCDI Consulting) in November 2023.

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