Inclusive Decision-Making Strategies to Drive Engagement & Performance

Today’s workforce has a more diverse mix of ethnic backgrounds, and this variety opens the door to a range of ideas, experiences, and viewpoints. According to a 2023 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the percentage of minorities in the workforce has steadily increased, with Hispanic or Latino workers making up 18.1% and African Americans representing 12.8% of the U.S. labor force. The growing diversity isn’t just about representation—it’s about ensuring these diverse voices are heard and included into decision-making processes.

Hierarchical systems of decision-making – where a few decide for the many – are gradually falling away; companies today are instead transitioning towards more cooperative systems that emphasise collective decision-making across their company. This shift is no whim; it’s also a necessity, as making decisions more inclusive leads directly to reaching broader DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) goals. Companies that make more inclusive decisions aren’t just adhering to DEI directives – they’re strengthening their bottom lines by creating an environment where everyone can take part in a meaningful way.

Key takeaways

  • Diversity in the workforce improves decision-making by bringing in a range of viewpoints and ideas that result in better solutions.
  • By utilizing diverse teams, inclusive decision-making increases organizational profitability and advances DEI goals.
  • All views are heard and respected when there is a culture of psychological safety and diverse leadership.
  • More innovative and practical ideas are fueled by emotional intelligence and cognitive variety.
  • AI tools support inclusive, equitable decision-making by detecting biases.

The business case for inclusive decision-making

Inclusive decision-making is not just about being fair—it’s about being smart. Research has indicated that organizations with diverse employees are 33% more likely to perform better than their counterparts in terms of profitability. Diversity is important in innovation because it means that more ideas are considered and the solutions are more effective.

According to McKinsey’s 2020 report, the organizations with the highest representation of women in executive positions were 25 percent more likely to achieve higher profitability than the organizations in the lowest quartile. The logic is straightforward: diverse teams have different perspectives that force change and come up with solutions that would not be thought of in a more homogenous environment.

This is because when decision-making involves a diverse group of individuals, the resulting decisions tend to be more innovative, efficient, and better aligned with the needs of the larger society. It also helps to optimize internal processes and, at the same time, increases the company’s potential to reach out to a wide range of customers and engage them effectively.

Key components of inclusive decision-making

Building a diverse leadership team

Diversity at the leadership level isn’t just beneficial—it is imperative in order to make inclusive decisions. Leaders create the organizational culture and when leadership teams are diverse, they are likely to bring in more diverse solutions to the table.

Some of the ways that can be used to promote diversity in decision-making positions include the recruitment and training of diverse candidates and development of leadership positions that support diversity. For instance, organizations can adopt sponsorship initiatives where managers champion diverse talent for promotion to higher levels of the company.

Create a culture of psychological safety

Psychological safety is one of the most important factors that can influence the inclusiveness of decision-making. It is a guarantee that the members of the team can express their ideas, problems, and even failures without any repercussions. When psychological safety is valued in a workplace, people are willing to contribute their ideas and opinions, thus improving the quality of the discussions and the outcomes.

Some of the ways of collecting diverse input include an anonymous suggestion box, feedback meetings, and meetings that consider everyone’s input. There are also online applications that enable people to input during meetings, thus giving everyone a chance to contribute.

Leveraging cognitive diversity

Cognitive diversity—differences in perspective or information processing styles—affects creativity and decision-making. It is beneficial to have people with different approaches to problem-solving in the teams because, this way the teams will be able to come up with more creative solutions to the problems.

To foster cognitive diversity, it is important for organizations to have a diverse set of thinkers in their teams, including analytical, creative, and practical ones. This can be achieved through group activities that focus on these differences or through deliberate assignment of tasks that require diverse thinking styles. The effects of cognitive diversity are therefore far-reaching; they force the teams to look at the problem from all perspectives and come up with the best solution.

The role of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity to recognize and regulate one’s own feelings and the feelings of others. In leadership, self-awareness is very important in ensuring that everyone in the team is accepted and appreciated.

Managers with high EQ are in a better position to address the complexities of decision-making that involve everyone because they are more likely to identify and manage biases, manage conflicts and ensure that everyone in the team is comfortable contributing.

Training programs for enhancing EQ—e.g., in self-awareness, empathy, and basic interpersonal competencies—can be incorporated into decision-maker training. High-EQ environments support greater inclusiveness and, consequently, are more productive because they foster better communication and team cohesion.

AI and digital tools that support inclusive decision-making

AI and digital tools are revolutionizing how organisations are addressing the issue of inclusion in decision-making processes. These technologies can assist in eradicating biases in the hiring process, reviewing engagement data to ensure everyone’s voice is considered, and recommending changes in DEI approaches.

AI Platforms like Diversio can scan large datasets to find out where exclusion or bias may be occurring so that organizations can make evidence-based decisions that promote inclusion. Through incorporating such tools, organizations are not only able to make their decisions faster but also be certain that they are making fair decisions.

Challenges of inclusive decision-making

Balancing inclusivity with efficiency

As much as it is effective, inclusive decision-making may take time. It involves the collection of information from various sources, and this can be time-consuming. But there are ways in which these processes can be made more efficient without compromising the quality of the input.

One approach is to use structured decision-making frameworks that allow for the consideration of diverse input at specific points in the process while maintaining momentum. Another strategy is to use technology that enables people to provide feedback in real-time while, at the same time, avoiding the formation of a decision-making group that silences others. The objective is to achieve proper integration of the large number of participants with the need to make decisions promptly and accurately.

Overcoming unconscious bias

People may still make excluding judgments even when they aren’t aware that they are biased. These assumptions can result in decisions that are made in the interest of some groups and not others, even if the decision-makers are well-intentioned.

Leadership and teams must be able to spot and prevent unconscious biases if they are to foster an inclusive decision-making climate.

Diversio’s training programs for leaders help companies avoid unconscious biases in decision-making. AI can also be employed to identify decision-making biases so firms can adapt before they affect results.

Implementing inclusive decision-making with Diversio

Diversio’s DEI platform is built for inclusive decision-making as it offers real-time data and AI-based solutions to organizations to solve their specific DEI issues. The Recommendation EngineTM is an AI-based tool that processes data and suggests specific actions that can be taken to address certain issues in an organization. Users can use the DEI platform to perform engagement surveys and benchmark their DEI scores against other organizations.

Apart from these reliable data-based tools, Diversio also provides DEI and leadership training delivered by professionals that are essential for making diverse decisions. These training programs are intended to provide the leaders and the teams with the necessary knowledge and skills to address the unconscious biases, enhance emotional intelligence, and foster the culture of inclusion.

To organizations that are still finding it hard to manage DEI, Diversio provides a roadmap on what to do. Its suite of tools solves the problems and shortcomings of current DEI practices, offering leaders the data and guidance they need to build equitable organizations.

Picture of Kate Stone
Kate Stone
Kate Stone leads marketing at Diversio with 10+ years of experience in marketing and visual communications – over 6 of which are in the technology industry. Kate is passionate about communicating inclusion’s impact on businesses, workplace culture, and individuals. Kate is a US citizen and enjoys advocating for the environment and endangered species, improving her strength and endurance, and practicing watercolor painting and mixed media arts.
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"We needed to slice and dice the data in multiple ways and visualize the data in clear and accessible ways and you know Diversio’s survey and platform ticked all the boxes."
Ekua Quansah
Head of EDI, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

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